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Shiblom, or Shiblon.

engaged, a robber killed him in the endeavor to obtain some of his riches, which the Book of Ether informs us were great. (Ether, 10:3).

SHIBLOM or SHIBLON. The son of Com; one of the later monarchs of the Jaredites. In his day, because of the iniquity of the people, many prophets appeared and foretold the woes that would mark the extinction of the race. Wars and grievous calamities also marked the reign of Shiblom. First, his brother inaugurated a bloody civil war, which extended throughout all the land. The wicked combinations, akin to the Gadianton robbers of the Nephites, did their part to render anarchy more complete. Famines and pestilence followed rapine, until "there was a great destruction, such an one as never had been known upon the face of the earth." In the extreme of their misery and degradation, the people began to repent and then the Lord had mercy upon them. Finally, Shiblom was slain and Seth, his son, was brought into captivity. Of Shiblom's private character we have no record; but his rebellious brother issued the infamous mandate that all the prophets who prophesied of the destruction of the people should be put to death. (Ether, 11:4—9.)

SHIBLOM. A Nephite general, who commanded a corps of ten thousand men in the last great struggle between the Nephites and the Lamanites. He, with all his command, was slain in the final series of battles in the land Cumorah, when the Nephite nation was annihilated. (A. C. 385.)

SHIBLON, THE SON OF ALMA. Shiblon “was a just man, and he did walk uprightly before God, and he did observe to do good continually, to keep the commandments of the Lord his God." Such is the high encomium parsed upon the character of this son of Alma, by the sacred historian of the Book of Mormon.

Shiblon, like his brothers Helaman and Corianton, is first mentioned in the sacred pages in con-