Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/263

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Lali, to forget, used when speaking to nobles- less frequently used than Poho , but its compound Kalalén forgotten, is frequently in use. (Jav. Ngoko. Mal. idem.)

Lalimasan, a house built with a limas roof, which see. Imah lalimasan, a house built with a four sided roof.

Lalongkrang, a ravine, a gully down which water pours, especially on the face of a mountain.

Lalumbutan, part of a native loom, on which the threads are first wound and afterwards rolled upon the Totogan.

Laluwasa, able to follow the bent of one's own mind, unrestricted. Enough for use and some over ; superabundance of anything ; having abundance of materials , or means for doing anything; having the means to obtain our object Lamak, a rag, a bit of torn cloth.

Lamar, the tokens of asking a woman in marriage. The quids of sĕurĕuh carried for that purpose : see Ngalamar.

Lamat, a spider's web; more frequently called Ramat

Lamat, expert in climbing.

Lambar, the leaf of a tree when used in enumeration or particular designation- daun sĕurĕuh dua lambar, two leaves of the Sĕurĕuh. To sa lambar achan> I have not got a single leaf (of seureuh). A leaf of paper , or df any thin expended object- Daluang tilu lambar three leaves of paper. A distinct and separate hair , Bu-uk sa lambar , a single hair of the head. (Jav. Lĕmbar, single; a single leaf.)

Lambaran, the tie beam in building a house. The beam running lengthways along the tops of the posts, by which they are held together and in their places.

Lambĕta, name of a variety of grass, also called Kalam mĕta.

Lambing, as Chĕuli lambing, the loops on a native spinning wheel in which the Kisis or spindles revolve.

Lambit, a small hand net — fixed to a circle of wood. The same as Sambĕt Word in use about Buitenzorg.

Lambungan, the wand to which the hidi or fish- spear is attached.

Lambusir, the flesh on an animal's back which extends along each side of the spinal bone.

Lambut, long in the ear as paddy; lengthy and pendulous — long.

Lamĕh, a tree so called , Alstonia Scholaris. The wood is white and softish , much used by the native turners for making bowls and platters.

Lamo, said of work which is done unwillingly. Lamo lai di gawé you work as if you were very unwilling; to work unwillingly. It also means-— as long as, if only that. Lamo mĕunang bai , as long as it can be got.

Lamot, to lick, to take up with the tongue.

Lampah, to take in hand, to undertake, to receive in charge, to take possession of. Pagawéan éta kudu di lampahan, That work must be taken in hand. (Jav. Kråmå= Laku.)

Lampang, a disease or defect in the skin, by which the black colouring matter becomes