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uterus in particular; from its vicinity to the sources of absorption; and other peculiarities in it's situation immediately after parturition, I conceive such a variety in the character of the disease to be established, as may so far render it a disease sui generis, as to require a treatment very different from that of either the synocha, typhus or synochus; and, if I dared, I would venture to give it a name that should designate it as a puerperal variety of the genus synochus.
Dr. Hulme's dissections have proved that in many cases of what is called the puerperal fever, an inflammation of the omentum and interlines was the proximate cause. This might have been combined with a diathesis phlogistica; and from some of the remote causes above mentioned, they assumed this form. It is to be presumed, however, that Dr. Hulme did not mean to consider it as a simple enteritis; but as a disease, the character of which depended on the connexion of the parts which were the seat of it, with the uterus; thus constituting a distinct species in a manner similar to that which I have adopted above.
As to any inflammation of the uterus which may take place in consequence of parturition, I have neglected to speak of it as connected with this disorder, for this is another disease, and it is that which has been considered by Dr. Cullen under the name of a hysteritis.
I shall pay due attention to this subject, as cases occur, and hope, some time or other, to lay before you some farther observations, in addition to this imperfect sketch.

Erratum, in the title page. For sæpa read sæpè.