Page:A general history for colleges and high schools (Myers, 1890).djvu/814

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  • Bacon, Roger, 471.
  • Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 555.
  • Bactria, conquest of, by Alexander, 164, 165.
  • Bagdad, founded, 400.
  • Bailly (bā′li), French statesman, 652.
  • Băj′a-zĕt, 462.
  • Balaklava (bal′a-klä′vä), 695.
  • Baldwin, count of Flanders, 446.
  • Bal′e-ăr′ic Islands, 247.
  • Balliol, John, k. of Scotland, 482.
  • Ban′no̯ck-burn′, battle of, 483.
  • Barbadoes (bar-ba′do̯z), 614.
  • Bar′ba-ros′sa, Algerian pirate, 532, n.
  • Barrack emperors, the, 325.
  • Basques (basks), 3, 405.
  • Bastile (bas-teel′), storming of the, 652.
  • Batavian Republic, 674, 676, n.
  • Băt′tues, 665.
  • Bautzen (bowt′sen), battle of, 685.
  • Bayard (bā′ard), Chevalier, 532.
  • Be′his-tun′ Rock, 79.
  • Belgium, kingdom of, 568, n.; revolution in, 689, n.
  • Bel′i-sa′ri-us, 372, 389.
  • Bel-shaz′zar, 60.
  • Beluchistan (bel-loo′chis-tan′), 166.
  • Benedictines, order of the, 383.
  • Ben′e-ven′tum, battle of, 246.
  • Benevolences, 541; resorted to, by Charles I., 606.
  • Beresina, the, 684.
  • Be̯rg′en, 469.
  • Bergerac (ber-zheh-räk′), peace of, 575, n.
  • Bẽrlin decree, 679.
  • Bẽr′lin, treaty of (1878), 697, 698.
  • Bes-sa-rā′bĭ-a, 698.
  • Bes′ti-a, Roman consul, 277.
  • Bias, 203, n.
  • Bismarck, Otto von, 703.
  • Bi-thyn′i-a, 442.
  • Black Death, 485, n., 486, n.
  • Black Prince, 485.
  • Blenheim (blen′im), battle of, 597.
  • Bloody Assizes, 622.
  • Blucher (bloo′ker), 687.
  • Boccaccio (bok-kät′cho), 474.
  • Bœ-o′ti-a, 87.
  • Bœotian League, 148.
  • Bo′i-i, Gallic tribe, 255.
  • Boleyn (bo͝ol′in), Anne, 544, 546, 549.
  • Bonaparte, Jerome, 679.
  • Bonaparte, Louis, 676, n.
  • Bonaparte, Napoleon, defends the convention, 666; his Italian campaigns, 668; in Egypt, 669; in Syria, 670; overthrows the Directory, 671; First Consul, 673–675; proclaimed emperor, 675; his wars, 676–685 ; his second marriage, 681; at the summit of his power, 681, 682; first abdication, 685; second abdication, 688; his death, 688.
  • Bordeaux (bor-dō′), 665.
  • Borodino (bor-o-dee′no), battle of,683.
  • Bor-sip′pa, temple of the Seven Spheres at, 61.
  • Bos′nĭ-a̯′, 698.
  • Bos′pho-rus, 79.
  • Bosworth Field, battle of, 488.
  • Boulak (boo-läk′) Museum, 39.
  • Boulogne (boo-lōn′), 677.
  • Bourbon, Constable of, 531.
  • Bourbon, house of, in Huguenot Wars, 573, 574, 575, 578; Henry IV., k. of France, 578, 579. For other kings of this house, see Louis.
  • Boyne (boin), battle of the, 627.
  • Braddock, General, 631.
  • Bradshaw, John, 613.
  • Brahma, 10.
  • Brahmanism, 9–11; modified by Buddhism, 12.
  • Brahmans, 8.
  • Brandenburg, 587; mark of, 642.
  • Bras′i-das, Spartan general, 150.
  • Bren′nus, 241.
  • Bretigny, treaty of, 486, n.
  • Britain, invaded by Cæsar, 292; conquest of, by Claudius, 311; the Hadrian Wall, 320.
  • Bruce, Robert, k. of Scotland, 483.
  • Brṳ′ġes̝, 469.
  • Brṳ-mâire′, 671.
  • Brun-di′si-um, 295.
  • Brun-du′si-um, 447.
  • Brunswick, house of. See Hanover.
  • Bru′ti-um, 222.
  • Brutus, L. Junius, 232.
  • Brutus, the liberator, 299, 300, 302, 303.
  • Bu-ceph′a-la, 165.