Page:A general history for colleges and high schools (Myers, 1890).djvu/821

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  • Gi-ron′dists, the name, 655; party in the national convention, 657; fall of, 659.
  • Gladiatorial combats, 361–363; suppression of, 339, 340.
  • Gladiators, war of the, 285, 286.
  • Gladstone, prime minister, 719, 728.
  • Godfrey of Bouillon (god′fri boo-yṓn′), 442, 443.
  • Godwin, earl of essex, 434.
  • Golden Candlestick, 347, n.
  • Go-ma′tes, 78.
  • Gordon, General, 728.
  • Gor′gi-as, 205.
  • Gor′gons, 104.
  • Goths, the, 336, 337; conversion of, 377.
  • Grac′chi, reforms of, 276, 277.
  • Grac′chus, Caius, 276, 277.
  • Grac′chus  Tiberius, 276.
  • Grace, edict of, 581.
  • Græco-Persian War, 125–135.
  • Gra-nä′da, 398; conquest of, 499, 500.
  • Grand Alliance, the, 596.
  • Gra-ni′cus, battle of the, 162.
  • Gra′ti-an, Roman emp., 336, 337, 338.
  • Grăt′ta̯n, Henry, 632.
  • Great Britain, the name, 629. See England.
  • Great Fire in Rome, 312.
  • Great Schism, the, 468.
  • Great Seal of England, 624.
  • Grecian architecture, 176–182.
  • Grecian  sculpture, 187–189.
  • Grecian temples as banks of deposit, 178, n.
  • Greece, divisions of, 87; mountains of, 87, 88; islands about, 88; influence of country upon inhabitants, 89.
  • Greek Church, the, 417.
  • Greek Empire. See Eastern Empire.
  • Greek Fire, 398.
  • Greeks, local patriotism of, 92; myths and legends of, 93–97; society of, in the Heroic Age, 98–108; piracy among, 99; religion of, 101-108; colonies, no, 111; literature, 190–202; philosophy and science, 203–214; social life, 215–222.
  • Gregory. For this name see Popes.
  • Grey, Lady Jane, 552.
  • Guē′bers, 401, n. See Fire-worshippers.
  • Guelphs (gwĕlfs), 504.
  • Guillotine (ḡil′lo-teen′), the, 662.
  • Guiscard (ḡḗes-kar′), Robert, 433.
  • Guise (gweez), family of, 573.
  • Gunpowder, effect of use in war, 427.
  • Gunpowder Plot, the, 602.
  • Gŭs-tā*vŭs Vasa, 512.
  • Gutenberg (goo′te̯n-be̯rg′), John, 476.
  • Ġy-lip′pus, Spartan commander, 152.
  • Ha′des, realm of, 101; the god, 103.
  • Ha′dri-an, Roman emp., 320.
  • Hal′i-car-nas′sus, mausoleum at, 182.
  • Ha′lys, the, 75.
  • Ha-mil′car Bar′cas, 252, 256.
  • Hamites, 3.
  • Hampden, John, 608, 609.
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 62.
  • Han′ni-bal, his vow, 257; attacks Saguntum, 257; crosses the Alps, 258, 259; in Italy, 259–264; his death, 265, n.
  • Han′no, Carthaginian admiral, 253.
  • Hanover, house of, 630; sovereigns of, 630, n.
  • Hanseatic League, 468, 469.
  • Harold I. (son of Godwin), k. of England, 434, 435.
  • Harold Hardrada, k. of Norway, 434.
  • Haroun-al-Raschid (hä-roon′äl-rash′-id), 400.
  • Has′dru-bal, Hannibal's brother, 264.
  • Has′dru-bal, son-in-law of Hamilcar, 256.
  • Hastings, battle of, 434, 435.
  • Hébert (ā́′bêr), 663.
  • Hebrew monarchy, founding of, 63, 64; division of, 66.
  • Hebrew Temple, robbed by Titus, 314.
  • Hebrews, enter Egypt, 21; history of, 63–68; their religion and literature, 68, 69.
  • Hector, 95.
  • He-ġī′ra, the, 393.
  • Helen, 95.
  • He̯-le′na, St., 688.
  • Hel′i-con, Mount, 88.
  • Hellas, the name, 91, n.
  • Hel-le′nēs, the, 89–91. See Greeks.