Page:A general history for colleges and high schools (Myers, 1890).djvu/826

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  • Medina (me-dee′na), 396.
  • Meg′a-cles, the archon, 119, 120, 122.
  • Meg′a-lop′o-lis, 157.
  • Majestas, law of, 309.
  • Melanchthon (me̯-lănk'tho̯n), Philip, 525, n.
  • Memnon, statues of, 34.
  • Memphis, 20.
  • Mendicant Friars, origin of the order of, 456.
  • Men′e-la′us, 92, 95.
  • Me-ne′ni-us, 234.
  • Me-neph′tha, 24.
  • Mē′nēs, 20.
  • Merovæus, 374.
  • Mes-se′ni-a, 87, 116.
  • Mes-se′ni-an Wars, 116, 117.
  • Mes-si′na (mĕs-see′nä), 117.
  • Me-tau′rus, battle of, 264.
  • Me-tel′lus, Roman tribune, 295.
  • Me-tĕmp′sy-chō-sis. See Transmigration of souls.
  • Methodism, rise of, 721; effects of, upon religious toleration, 721.
  • Metternich (met′te̯r-nik), Prince, 702.
  • Mĕtz, 653.
  • Mexico, conquest of, by Cortez, 516.
  • Michael Angelo (än′jā́-lo), 468, n., 511, n.
  • Mil′an decree, 679.
  • Mi-le′tus, 97, in.
  • Military roads of ancient Rome, 255.
  • Mil-ti′a-dēs, 126, 127, 128.
  • Milton, John, 617, 618.
  • Minerva, 228.
  • Mĭn′ne-sĭng′ers, 508.
  • Mi-nor′ca, ceded to England, 597.
  • Mi′nos, 94.
  • Min′o-taur, the, 94.
  • Mith′ri-da′tes the Great, massacres Italians in Asia Minor, 281; wars with Rome, 282–288; his death, 289.
  • Moawiyah (mo-a-wee′yeh), 400.
  • Mœ′si-a, 339.
  • Mohammed II., sultan of the Ottomans, 462, 463.
  • Mohammedanism, doctrines of, 394; spread of, 401; defects of, 401.
  • Moliere (mo′le-êr′), 599.
  • Mo′loch, 248.
  • Moltke, 704.
  • Monasteries, suppression of, by Henry VIII., 547.
  • Monasticism, rise of, 383; advantages of, 383.
  • Mongols, 460, 461.
  • Monk, 617.
  • Monmouth, d. of, 622, n.
  • Montcalm (mont-käm'), 631.
  • Montfort, Simon de, summons the English Commons and Parliament, 481.
  • Moors, 397; culture of, 401, 402; kingdom of Granada, 499; persecuted by Philip II., 536; expulsion from Spain, 538.
  • More, Sir Thomas, 540; the Utopia, 549, 550; his execution, 549. Moreau (mo-ro′), 668.
  • Mor-gar′te̯n Pass, battle of, 506.
  • Morton, English minister, 541.
  • Mos′cow, burning of, 683, 684.
  • Mountainists, the name, 655.
  • Mum′mi-us, Roman consul, 269.
  • Municipia, 279.
  • Münzer, 524.
  • Murat (mü′rä′), Napoleon's brother-in-law, 680.
  • Mutiny Bill.—This was an important statute of the first year of William and Mary, by which the command of the army was given to the king for twelve months only. The necessity of an annual renewal of this act secures indirectly the yearly assembling of the representatives of the nation.
  • Myc′a-le, battle of, 135.
  • My′læ, battle of, 249, 250.
  • Myt′i-le′ne, 149, 150.
  • Nab′o-na′di-us, last king of Babylon, 60.
  • Nab′o-po-las′sar, 58.
  • Nae′vi-us, 354.
  • Nantes (nants), edict of, publication of, 578; revocation of the edict of, 594; in Reign of Terror, 665.
  • Naples, annexed to kingdom of Italy, 712, 7I3.
  • Napoleon. See Bonaparte.
  • Napoleon III., 690, 691.