Page:A general history for colleges and high schools (Myers, 1890).djvu/833

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  • Scotland, wars with England, 482, 483; under the Commonwealth, 614; under the Protectorate, 615.
  • Scots, the, 320.
  • Scriptures, translated into the Gothic language, 377.
  • Scyl′la, 104.
  • Seb′as-to'pol, 695.
  • Sedgemoor, battle of, 622, n.
  • Se-ja′nus, 309, 310.
  • Sel′eu-ci′a, 171.
  • Se-leu′çi-dæ, the, kingdom of, 171, 172.
  • Se-leu′cus Ni-ca′tor, 170, 171.
  • Self-denying ordinance, in English civil war, 611.
  • Semitic peoples, 4.
  • Sempach (sem′päk), battle of, 506.
  • Sen′e-ca, 312, 313, 356.
  • Senlac. See Hastings.
  • Sen-nach′e-rib, 49, 50; palace of, at Nineveh, 56; will of, 57.
  • Sen-ti′num, battle of, 244.
  • Separatists, 556.
  • Sepoy Mutiny, 726, 727.
  • Sep′tu-a-ġint, the, 201.
  • Serfs, 425; under feudal system, 425; emancipation of, in Russia, 696.
  • Ser-to′ri-us, 285.
  • Se̯r-ve′-tǔs, 527.
  • Servile Wars in Sicily, 273, 274, n.
  • Servius Tullius, wall of, 226; constitution of, 227.
  • Se-sos′tris. See Rameses II.
  • Set, 28.
  • Se′ti I., 23.
  • Seven Weeks' War, 703.
  • Seven Years' War, 645, 646.
  • Se-ve′rus, Alexander, Roman emp., 327, 328.
  • Se-ve′rus, Sep-tim′i-us, Roman emp., 326.
  • Seville (sev'il), 398.
  • Seymour, Jane, 549.
  • Seymour, Lord Henry, 559.
  • Sex′ti-us, Roman governor, 282.
  • Shakespeare, William, 562, n.
  • Shä′man-ism, 45.
  • Sharrukin. See Sargon I.
  • Sheba, q. of, 66.
  • Shepherd kings, the. See Hyksos.
  • Shiites (shee′ites), 395, n.
  • Ship-money, 608.
  • Shu′mir, 41.
  • Sib′yl-line Books, keepers of, 229, 230; burned, 283.
  • Si-çil′i-an expedition, 151–153.
  • Si-çil′i-an Vespers, 504, n.
  • Sicily, island of, 222; made a Roman province, 254; made part of kingdom of Italy, 712, 713.
  • Sidney, Sir Philip, 562, n., 570.
  • Sidon, 70.
  • Silesia (sĭ-lee′shi-a), 645.
  • Sĭm′o-ny, 453.
  • Sinon, 96.
  • Siwah (see′wä), oasis of, 163.
  • Skeptics, the, 211, 212.
  • Slavery, among the Greeks, 98, 220, 221; among the Romans, 273, 274, 364.
  • Slavonians, 369.
  • Smer′dis, the false. See Gomates.
  • Smith, Sir Sidney, 670.
  • Smyrna (smĩr′na), 191.
  • Sobieski (so-be-ĕs′kee), 538, n. 1.
  • Social life among the Romans, 359–365.
  • Social War in Italy, 279, 281.
  • So′ci-i, 279.
  • Soc′ra-tes, 121, 156, 206, 207.
  • Sog′di-a′na, 165.
  • Soissons (swăs′sṓn′), vase of, 373, n.
  • Solferino (sol-fā́-ree′no), battle of, 712.
  • Solomon, k. of the Hebrews, 65, 66.
  • Solon, laws and reforms of, 120–122.
  • Solyman (sŏl′i-man) the Magnificent, 531.
  • Sophia, electress of Hanover, 629.
  • Sŏph′ists, the, 205, 206.
  • Soph′o-clēs, 193, 194.
  • Soudanese, revolt against the khedive, 728
  • Spac-te′ri-a, 150.
  • Spain, conquest of, by Saracens, 398; union of Castile and Aragon, 498; conquest of Granada, 499; the Inquisition in, 500; Spanish colonization in the New World, 517; ascendency of, under Charles V. and Philip II., 530–538; her rapid decline, 538; revolt of her American colonies, 538, n.; in the war of the Spanish Succession, 596.