Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/104

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Of Major Stede Bonnet.

they had taken all the Money, ſmall Arms and Effects of Value out of the great Ship, and ſet aſhore on a ſmall ſandy Iſland above a League from the Main, ſeventeen Men, no doubt with a Deſign they ſhould periſh, there being no Inhabitant, or Proviſions to ſubſiſt withal, nor any Boat or Materials to build or make any kind of Launch or Veſſel, to eſcape from that deſolate Place: They remained there two Nights and one Day, without Subſiſtance, or the leaſt Proſpect of any, expecting nothing elſe but a lingering Death; when to their inexpreſſable Comfort, they ſaw Redemption at Hand; for Major Bonnet happening to get Intelligence of their being there, by two of the Pyrates who had eſcaped Teach’s Cruelty, and had got to a poor little Village at the upper End of the Harbour, ſent his Boat to make Diſcovery of the Truth of the Matter, which the poor Wretches ſeeing, made a ſignal to them, and they were all brought on Board Bonnet’s Sloop.

Major Bonnet told all his Company, that he would take a Commiſſion to go againſt the Spaniards, and to that End, was going to St. Thomas’s therefore if they would go with him, they ſhould be welcome; whereupon they all conſented, but as the Sloop was preparing to ſail, a Bom-Boat, that brought Apples and Sider to ſell to the Sloop’s Men, informed them, that Captain Teach lay at Ocricock Inlet, with only 18 or 20 Hands. Bonnet, who bore him a mortal Hatred for ſome Inſults offered him, went immediately in purſuit of Black-beard, but it happened too late, for he miſſed of him there, and after four Days Cruize, hearing no farther News of him, they ſteered their Courſe towards Virginia.

In the Month of July, theſe Adventurers came off the Capes, and meeting with a Pink with a Stock of Proviſions on Board, which they happened to
