Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/111

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Of Major Stede Bonnet.

a great Noiſe in the Province, and People were open in their Reſentments, often reflecting on the Governor, and others in the Magiſtracy, as tho’ they had been brib’d, for conniving at their Eſcape. Theſe Invectives aroſe from their Fears, that Bonnet would be capable of raiſing another Company, and proſecute his Revenge againſt this Country, for what he had lately, tho’ juſtly, ſuffered: But they were in a ſhort Time made eaſy in thoſe Reſpects; for as ſoon as the Governor had the Account of Bonnet’s Eſcape, he immediately iſſued out a Proclamation, and promiſed a Reward of 700 Pounds to any that would take him, and ſent ſeveral Boats with armed Men, both to the Northward and Southward, in purſuit of him.

Bonnet ſtood to the Northward, in a ſmall Veſſel, but wanting Neceſſaries, and the Weather being bad, he was forced back, and ſo return’d with his Canoe, to Swillivants Iſland, near Charles-Town, to fetch Supplies; but there being ſome Information ſent to the Governor, he ſent for Colonel Rhet, and deſired him to go in purſuit of Bonnet; and accordingly gave him a Commiſſion for that Purpoſe: Wherefore the Colonel, with proper Craft, and ſome Men, went away that Night for Swillivant’s Iſland, and, after a very diligent Seach, diſcovered Bonnet and Hariot together; the Colonel’s Men fired upon them, and killed Hariot upon the Spot, and wounded one Negro and an Indian. Bonnet ſubmitted, and ſurrender’d himſelf; and the next Morning, being November the 6th, was brought by Colonel Rhet to Charles-Town, and, by the Governor’s Warrant, was committed into ſafe Cuſtody, in order for his being brought to his Tryal.

On the 28th of October, 1718, a Court of Vice-Admiralty was held at Charles-Town, in South-Carolina, and, by ſeveral Adjournments, continued to Wedneſday, the 12th of November following, for

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