Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/118

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thority to ſuppreſs you, and put a Stop to thoſe Rapines that you daily acted.

And however you may fancy that that was killing Men fairly in open Fight, yet this know, that the Power of the Sword not being committed into your Hands by any lawful Authority, you were not impowered to uſe any Force, or fight any one; and therefore thoſe Perſons that fell in that Action, in doing their Duty to their King and Country, were murdered, and their Blood now cries out for Vengeance and Juſtice againſt you: For it is the Voice of Nature, confirmed by the Law of God, That whoſoever ſheddeth Man’s Blood, by Man ſhall his Blood be ſhed. Gen. 9. 6.

And conſider that Death is not the only Puniſhment due to Murderers; for they are threatened to have their Part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimſtone, which is the ſecond Death, Rev. 21. 8. See Chap. 22. 15. Words which carry that Terror with them, that conſidering your Circumſtances and your Guilt, ſurely the Sound of them muſt make you tremble; For who can dwell with everlaſting Burningſ? Chap. 33. 14.

As the Teſtimony of your Conſcience muſt convince you of the great and many Evils you have committed, by which you have highly offended God, and provoked moſt juſtly his Wrath and Indignation againſt you, ſo I ſuppoſe I need not tell you that the only Way of obtaining Pardon and Remiſſion of your Sins from God, is by a true and unfeigned Repentance and Faith in Chriſt, by whoſe meritorious Death and Paſſion, you can only hope for Salvation.

You being a Gentleman that have had the Advantage of a liberal Education, and being generally eſteemed a Man of Letters, I believe it will be needleſs for me to explain to you the Nature of Repen-
