Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/127

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Of Capt. England.

three Dutch, two French, and one of their own Nation.

England, in going down the Coaſt, took the Peterborough Galley of Briſtol, Captain Owen; and the Victory, Captain Ridout; the former they detained, but plundered the latter, and let her go. In Cape Corſo Road, they ſaw two Sail at Anchor, but before they could reach them, they ſlipp’d their Cables and got cloſe under Cape Corſo Caſtle, theſe were the Whydah, Captain Prince, and the John, Captain Rider: The Pyrates upon this made a fire Ship of a Veſſel they had lately taken, and attempted to burn them, as tho’ they had been a common Enemy, which if effected, they could not have been one Farthing the better for it; but the Caſtle firing warmly upon them, they withdrew, and ſail’d down to Whydah Road, where they found another Pyrate, one Captain la Bouche, who getting thither before England arrived, had foreſtall’d the Market, and greatly diſappointed their Brethren.

Captain England, after this Baulk, went into a Harbour, clean’d his own Ship, and fitted up the Peterborough, which he call’d the Victory; they liv’d there very wantonly for ſeveral Weeks, making free with the Negroe Women, and committing ſuch outragious Acts, that they came to an open Rupture with the Natives, ſeveral of whom they kill’d, and one of their Towns they ſet on Fire.

When the Pyrates came out to Sea, they put it to a Vote what Voyage to take, and the Majority carrying it for the Eaſt-Indies, they ſhap’d their Courſe accordingly, and arrived at Madagaſcar, the Beginning of the Year 1720. They ſtaid not long there, but after taking in Water and Proviſions, ſail’d for the Coaſt of Malabar, which is a fine fruitful Country in the Eaſt-Indies, in the Empire of the Mogul, but immediately ſubject to its own Princes: It reaches from the Coaſt of Canara to Cape

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