Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/149

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Of Capt. England.

Here they ſtaid above four Months, carreened both their Ships, and took their Diverſions with Security, till they had expended all their Proviſions, and then put to Sea, leaving conſiderable Quantities of Muſlins, Chintzes, and ſuch Goods behind, to the half ſtarved Dutch Men, which enabled them to make good Pennyworths to the next that came, to whom they bartered for Proviſions, at the Rate of three Farthings an Engliſh Yard.

They left Delagoa the latter End of December 1722, but not agreeing where, or how to proceed, they concluded to part, ſo thoſe who were for continuing that ſort of Life, went on Board the Portugueſe Prize, and ſteered for Madagaſcar to their Friends, with whom I hear they are now ſettled; and the reſt took the Caſſandra and ſailed for the Spaniſh Weſt-Indies. The Mermaid Man of War happening then to be down on the Main with a Convoy, about 30 Leagues from theſe Pyrates, would have gone and attacked them; but on a Conſultation of the Maſters, whoſe Safety he was particularly to regard, they agreed their own Protection was of more Service than deſtroying the Pyrate, and ſo the Commander was unwillingly withheld. He diſpatched a Sloop to Jamaica, with the News, which brought down the Lanceſton, only a Day, or two, too late, they having juſt before he came, ſurrendered with all their Riches, to the Governor of Porto Bello.

Here they ſate down to ſpend the Fruits of their diſhoneſt Induſtry, dividing the Spoil and Plunder of Nations among themſelves, without the leaſt Remorſe or Compunction, ſatiſfying their Conſcience with this Salvo, that other People would have done as much, had they the like Opportunitiess. I can’t ſay, but that if they had known what was doing in England, at the ſame Time by the South-Sea Directors, and their Directors, they
