Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/187

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Of Capt. Howel Davis.

and at the Peril of his Life follow the Orders therein ſet down. This was an Air of Grandeur like what Princes practice to their Admirals and Generals.——It was punctually complied with by Davis, who read it to the Ship’s Company; it contained no leſs than a generous Deed of Gift of the Ship and Cargoe, to Davis and the Crew, ordering him to go to Braſil and diſpoſe of the Lading to the beſt Advantage, and to make a fair and equal Dividend with the reſt.

Davis propoſed to the Crew, whether they were willing to follow their Directions, but to his great Surprize, found the Majority of them altogether averſe to it, wherefore in a Rage, he bad them be damn’d, and go where they would. They knew that Part of their Cargoe was conſigned to certain Merchants at Barbadoes, wherefore they ſteered for that Iſland. When they arrived, they related to theſe Merchants the unfortunate Death of Skinner, and the Propoſal which had been made to them by Davis; upon which Davis was ſeized and committed to Priſon, where he was kept three Months; however, as he had been in no Act of Pyracy, he was diſcharged without being brought to any Tryal, yet he could not expect any Employment there; wherefore knowing that the Iſland of Providence was a kind of Rendevouz of Pyrates, he was reſolved to make one amongſt them, if poſſible, and to that Purpoſe, found Means of ſhipping himſelf for that Iſland; but he was again diſappointed, for when he arrived there, the Pyrates had newly ſurrendered to Captain Woods Rogers, and accepted of the Act of Grace, which he had juſt brought from England.

However, Davis was not long out of Buſineſs, for Captain Rogers having fitted out two Sloops for Trade, one called the Buck, the other the Mumvil Trader; Davis found an Employment on Board
