Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/195

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Of Capt. Howel Davis.

he ſhould fire a Piſtol thro’ the Governor’s Window, to ſtart up at once and ſecure the Arms in the Guard-Room.

When Davis arrived, Dinner not being ready, the Governor propoſed that they ſhould paſs their Time in making a Bowl of Punch till Dinner-Time: It muſt be obſerved, that Davis’s Coxen waited upon them, who had an Opportunity of going about all Parts of the Houſe, to ſee what Strength they had, he whiſpered Davis, there being no Perſon then in the Room, but he, (Davis) the Maſter, the Doctor, the Coxen and Governor; Davis on a ſudden drew out a Piſtol, clapt it to the Governor’s Breaſt, telling him, he muſt ſurrender the Fort and all the Riches in it, or he was a dead Man. The Governor being no Ways prepared for ſuch an Attack, promiſed to be very Paſſive, and do all they deſired, therefore they ſhut the Door, took down all the Arms that hung in the Hall, and loaded them. Davis fires his Piſtol thro’ the Window, upon which his Men, without, executed their Part of the Scheme, like Heroes, in an Inſtant; getting betwixt the Soldiers and their Arms, all with their Piſtols cock’d in their Hands, while one of them carried the Arms out. When this was done, they locked the Soldiers into the Guard-Room, and kept Guard without.

In the mean Time one of them ſtruck the Union Flag on the Top of the Caſtle, at which Signal thoſe on Board ſent on Shore a Reinforcement of Hands, and they got Poſſeſſion of the Fort without the leaſt Hurry or Confuſion, or ſo much as a Man loſt of either Side.

Davis harangued the Soldiers, upon which a great many of them took on with him, thoſe who refuſed, he ſent on Board the little Sloop, and becauſe he would not be at the Trouble of a Guard for them, he ordered all the Sails and Cables

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