Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/197

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Of Capt. Howel Davis.

and the Captains went to meet and congratulate one another with a Flag of Truce in their Sterns; a great many Civilities paſſed between them, and La Bouſe deſired Davis, that they might ſail down the Coaſt together, that he (La Bouſe) might get a better Ship: Davis agreed to it, and very courteouſly promiſed him the firſt Ship he took, fit for his Uſe, he would give him, as being willing to encourage a willing Brother.

The firſt Place they touch’d at, was Sierraleon, where at firſt going in, they ſpied a tall Ship at Anchor; Davis being the beſt Sailor firſt came up with her, and wondering that ſhe did not try to make off, ſuſpected her to be a Ship of Force. As ſoon as he came along Side of her, ſhe brought a Spring upon her Cable, and fired a whole Broadſide upon Davis, at the ſame Time hoiſted a black Flag; Davis hoiſted his black Flag in like Manner, and fired one Gun to Leeward.

In fine, ſhe proved to be a Pyrate Ship of twenty four Guns, commanded by one Cocklyn, who expecting theſe two would prove Prizes, let them come in, leaſt his getting under Sail might frighten them away.

This Satisfaction was great on all Sides, at this Junction of Confederates and Brethren in Iniquity; two Days they ſpent in improving their Acquaintance and Friendſhip, the third Day Davis and Cocklyn, agreed to go in La Bouſe’s Brigantine and attack the Fort; they contrived it ſo, as to get up thither by high Water; thoſe in the Fort ſuſpected them to be what they really were, and therefore ſtood upon their Defence; when the Brigantine came within Muſket-Shot, the Fort fired all their Guns upon her, the Brigantine did the like upon the Fort, and ſo held each other in Play for ſeveral Hours, when the two confederate Ships were come up to the Aſſiſtance of the Brigantine; thoſe who
