Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/201

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Of Capt. Howel Davis.

point out better Methods than hitherto known, when Ships drew nigh Land, which would anſwer as uſeful an End.

Before the Verticity and Uſe of the Compaſs, the Portugueſe Navigations had extended no farther than Cape Non, (it was their ne plus ultra,) and therefore ſo called; diſtreſs of Weather, indeed, had drove ſome Coaſters to Porto Santo, and Madera, before any certain Method of ſteering was invented; but after the Needle was ſeen thus inſpired, Navigation every Year improved under the great Incouragements of Henry, Alphonſus, and John II. Kings of Portugal, in Part of the 14th and in the 15th Century.

King Alphonſus was not ſo much at leaſure as his Predeceſſor, to purſue theſe Diſcoveries, but having ſeen the Advantages accrued to Portugal by them, and that the Pope had confirmed the perpetual Donation of all they ſhould diſcover between Cape Bajadore and India, incluſively, he reſolved not to neglect the proper Aſſiſtance, and farmed the Profits that did or might enſue to one Bernard Gomez, a Citizen of Liſbon, who was every Voyage obliged to diſcover 100 Leagues, ſtill farther on: And about the Year 1470 made theſe Iſlands, the only Places (of all the conſiderable and large Colonies they had in Africa,) that do now remain to that Crown.

St. Thome is the principal of the three, whoſe Governour is ſtiled Captain General of the Iſlands, and from whom the other at Princes receives his Commiſſion, tho’ nominated by the Court of Portugal: It is a Biſhoprick with a great many ſecular Clergy who appear to have neither Learning nor Devotion, as may be judged by ſeveral of them being Negroes: One of the Chief of them, invited us to hear Maſs, as a Diverſion to paſs Time away, where he, and his inferior Brethren acted ſuch af-
