Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/225

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Of Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

St. Salvadore in the Bahia los todos Santos, is an Archbiſhoprick and Seat of the Viceroy, the chief Port of Trade for Importation, where moſt of the Gold from the Mines is lodged, and whence the Fleets for Europe generally depart. The Seas about it abound with Whale-Fiſh, which in the Seaſon they catch in great Numbers; the Fleſh is ſalted up generally to be the Victualling of their Slave-Ships, and the Train reſerved for Exportation, at 30 and 35 Millrays a Pipe.

Rio Janeiro (the Town St. Sebaſtian) is the Southernmoſt of the Portugueſe, the worſt provided of Neceſſaries, but commodious for a Settlement, becauſe nigh the Mine, and convenient to ſuperviſe the Slaves, who, as I have been told, do uſually allow their Maſter a Dollar per Diem, and have the Overplus of their Work (if any) to themſelves.

The Gold from hence is eſteemed the beſt, (for being of a copperiſh Colour,) and they have a Mint to run it into Coin, both here and at Bahia; the Moidors of either having the initial Letters of each Place upon them.

Pernambuca (tho’ mention’d laſt) is the ſecond in Dignity, a large and populous Town, and has its riſe from the Ruins of Olinda, (or the handſome,) a City of a far pleaſanter Situation, ſix Miles up the River, but not ſo commodious for Traffick and Commerce. Juſt above the Town the River divides it ſelf into two Branches, not running directly into the Sea, but to the Southward; and in the Nook of the Iſland made by that Diviſion, ſtands the Governor’s Houſe, a ſquare plain Building of Prince Maurice’s, with two Towers, on which are only this Date inſcribed, Anno 1641. The Avenues to it are every way pleaſant, thro’ Viſto’s of tall Coco-Nut Trees.

Over each Branch of the River is a Bridge; that leading to the Country is all of Timber, but the

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