Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/253

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Of Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

Verd Iſlands and clean. But here again by an intolerable Stupidity and want of Judgment, they got ſo far to Leeward of their Port, that deſpairing to regain it, or any of the Windward Parts of Africa, they were obliged to go back again with the Trade-Wind, for the Weſt-Indies; which had very near been the Deſtruction of them all. Surinam was the Place now deſigned for, which was at no leſs than 700 Leagues Diſtance, and they had but one Hogſhead of Water left to ſupply 124 Souls for that Paſſage; a ſad Circumſtance that eminently expoſes the Folly and Madneſs among Pyrates, and he muſt be an inconſiderate Wretch indeed, who, if he could ſeparate the Wickedneſs and Puniſhment from the Fact, would yet hazard his Life amidſt ſuch Dangers, as their want of Skill and Forecaſt made them liable to.

Their Sins, we may preſume were never ſo troubleſome to their Memories, as now, that inevitable Deſtruction ſeem’d to threaten them, without the leaſt Glympſe of Comfort or Alleviation to their Miſery; for, with what Face could Wretches who had ravaged and made ſo many Neceſſitous, look up for Relief; they had to that Moment lived in Defiance of the Power that now alone they muſt truſt for their Preſervation, and indeed without the miraculous Intervention of Providence, there appeared only this miſerable Choice, viz. a preſent Death by their own Hands, or a ling’ring one by Famine.

They continued their Courſe, and came to an Allowance of one ſingle Mouthful of Water for 24 Hours; many of them drank their Urine, or Sea Water, which, inſtead of allaying, gave them an inextinguiſhable Thirſt, that killed them: Others pined and waſted a little more Time in Fluxes and Apyrexies, ſo that they dropped away daily. Thoſe that ſuſtain’d the Miſery beſt, were ſuch as
