Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/286

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Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

Swallow came a ſecond Time very nigh to him: He had now perhaps finiſhed the Fight very deſperately, if Death, who took a ſwift Paſſage in a Grape-Shot, had not interpoſed, and ſtruck him directly on the Throat. He ſettled himſelf on the Tackles of a Gun, which one Stephenſon, from the Helm, obſerving, ran to his Aſſiſtance, and not perceiving him wounded, ſwore at him, and bid him ſtand up, and fight like a Man; but when he found his Miſtake, and that his Captain was certainly dead, he guſhed into Tears, and wiſhed the next Shot might be his Lot. They preſently threw him over-board, with his Arms and Ornaments on, according to the repeated Requeſt he made in his Life-time.

Roberts was a tall black Man, near forty Years of Age, born at Newey-bagh, nigh Haverford-Weſt, in Pembrokſhire, of good natural Parts, and perſonal Bravery, tho’ he applied them to ſuch wicked Purpoſes, as made them of no Commendation, frequently drinking D———n to him who ever lived to wear a Halter. He was forc’d himſelf at firſt among this Company out of the Prince, Captain Plumb at Anamaboe, about three Years before, where he ſerved as ſecond Mate, and ſhed, as he us’d to tell the freſh Men, as many Crocodile Tears then as they did now, but Time and good Company had wore it off. He could not plead Want of Employment, nor Incapacity of getting his Bread in an honeſt way, to favour ſo vile a Change, nor was he ſo much a Coward as to pretend it; but frankly own’d, it was to get rid of the diſagreeable Superiority of ſome Maſters he was acquainted with, and the Love of Novelty and Change, Maritime Peregrinations had accuſtom’d him to. In an honeſt Service, ſays he, there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard Labour; in this, Plenty and Satiety, Pleaſure and Eaſe, Liberty and Power; and who would not ballance Creditor on this Side, when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worſt, is only aſour