Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/32

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The Introduction.

the pyrating Account with only one ſmall Veſſel, but by the Prizes he took, he gain’d immenſe Riches, ſo that getting a great Number of large Ships, all the bold and diſſolute Fellows of thoſe Iſlands flock’d to him, and liſted in his Service, for the Hopes of Booty; ſo that his Strength was increaſed to a formidable Fleet: With theſe he perform’d ſuch bold and adventurous Actions, that he became the Terror of the Seas. About this Time it happened that Selim Eutemi, King of Algiers, having refuſed to pay the accuſtomed Tribute to the Spaniards, was apprehenſive of an Invaſion from thence; wherefore he treated with Barbarouſe, upon the Foot of an Ally, to come and aſſiſt him, and deliver him from paying this Tribute; Barbarouſe readily came into it, and ſailing to Algiers with a great Fleet, he put part of his Men on Shore, and having laid a Plot to ſurprize the City, he effected it with great Succeſs, and murder’d Selim in a Bath; ſoon after which, he was himſelf crowned King of Algiers; after this he made War upon Abdilabde, King of Tunis, and overthrew him in Battle; he extended his Conqueſts on all Sides; and thus from a Thief became a mighty King: and tho’ he was at laſt kill’d in Battle, yet he had ſo well eſtabliſhed himſelf upon that Throne, that, dying without Iſſue, he left the Inheritance of the Kingdom to his Brother, another Pyrate.

I come now to ſpeak of the Pyrates infeſting the West-Indies, where they are more numerous than in any other Parts of the World, on ſeveral Reaſonſ:

First, Becauſe there are ſo many uninhabited little Iſlands and Keys, with Harbours convenient and ſecure for cleaning their Veſſels, and abounding with what they often want, Proviſion; I mean Water, Sea-Fowl, Turtle, Shell, and other Fiſh; where, if they carry in but ſtrong Liquor, they
