Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/328

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rid of him, (the chief Surgeon being always to remain with the Commadore.)

It appeared likewiſe by the Evidence of Captain Jo. Trahern, Tho. Caſtel, and others, who had been taken by the Pyrates, and thence had Opportunities of obſerving the Priſoners Conduct, that he ſeem’d thoroughly ſatisfy’d with that Way of Life, and was particularly intimate with Roberts; they often ſcoffing at the Mention of a Man of War, and ſaying, if they ſhould meet with any of the Turnip-Man’s Ships, they would blow up, and go to H——ll together. Yet ſetting aſide theſe ſilly Freaks, to recommend himſelf, his Lazineſs had got him many Enemies, even Roberts told him, (on the Complaint of a wounded Man, whom he had refuſed to dreſs) that he was a double Rogue, to be there a ſecond Time, and threat’ned to cut his Ears off.

The Evidence further aſſured the Court, from Captain Thomas Tarlton, that the Priſoner was taken out of his Brother’s Ship, ſome Months before, a firſt Time, and being forward to oblige his new Company, had preſently ask’d for the Pyrates Boat, to fetch the Medicine Cheſt away; when the Wind and Current proving too hard to contend with, they were drove on Shore at Cape Montzerado.

The Priſoner called for William Darling, and Samuel Morwel, (acquitted) and Nicholas Butler.

William Darling depoſed, the firſt Time the Priſoner fell into their Hands, Roberts miſtook him for Jo. Tarlton the Maſter, and being informed it was the Surgeon who came to repreſent him, (then indiſpoſed,) he preſently ſwore he ſhould be his Meſs-Mate, to which Wilſon reply’d, he hop’d not, he had a Wife and Child, which the other laughed at; and that he had been two Days on Board, before hewent