Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/331

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Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

are ſworn; but if immaturity of Judgment had occaſioned him to ſlip raſh and inadvertent Words, or that he had paid any undue Compliments to Roberts, it was to ingratiate himſelf, as every Priſoner did, for a more civil Treatment, and in particular to procure his Diſcharge, which he had been promiſed, and was afraid would have been revoked, if ſuch a Perſon as Comry did not remain there to ſupply his Room; and of this, he ſaid, all the Gentlemen (meaning the Pyrates) could witneſs for him.

He urged alſo his Youth in Excuſe for his Raſhneſs.——The firſt time he had been with them (only a Month in all,) and that in no military Employ; but in particular, the Service he had done in diſcovering the Deſign the Pyrates had to riſe in their Paſſage on Board the Swallow. Guilty.

But Execution reſpited till the King’s Pleaſure be known, becauſe the Commander of the Swallow had declared, the firſt Notice he received of this Deſign of the Pyrates to riſe, was from him.

Benjamin Jefferys

By the Depoſitions of Glaſby and Lillburn (acquitted) againſt this Priſoner, it appeared, that his Drunkenneſs was what at firſt detained him from going away in his proper Ship, the Norman Galley; and next Morning, for having been abuſive in his Drink, ſaying to the Pyrates, there was not a Man amongſt them, he received for a Welcome, ſix Laſhes from every Perſon in the Ship, which diſordered him for ſome Weeks, but on Recovery was made Boatſwain’s Mate; the ſerving of which, or any Office on Board a Pyrate, is at their own Option, (tho’ elected,) becauſe others are glad to accept what brings an additional Share in Prize.
