Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/34

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The Introduction.

Secondly, another Reaſon why theſe Seas are choſe by Pyrates, is the great Commerce thither by French, Spaniards, Dutch, and eſpecially Engliſh Ships: They are ſure in the Latitude of theſe trading Iſlands, to meet with Prizes, Booties of Proviſion, Cloathing, and Naval-Stores, and ſometimes Money; there being great Sums remitted this Way to England; (the Returns of the Aſſiento, and private Slave-Trade, to the Spaniſh Weſt-Indies:) And in ſhort, by ſome one or other, all the Riches of Potoſi.

A third Reaſon, is the Inconveniency and Difficulty of being purſued by the Men of War, the many ſmall Inlets, Lagoons and Harbours, on theſe ſolitary Iſlands and Keys, is a natural Security.

’Tis generally here that the Pyrates begin their Enterprizes, ſetting out at firſt with a very ſmall Force; and by infeſting theſe Seas, and thoſe of the Continent of North-America, in a Year’s Time, if they have good luck on their Sides, they accumulate ſuch Strength, as enables them to make foreign Expeditions: The firſt, is uſually to Guiney, taking the Azores and Cape de Verd Iſlands in their Way, and then to Brazil and the Eaſt-Indies, where if they meet with proſperous Voyages, they ſet down at Madagaſcar, or the neighbouring Iſlands, and enjoy their ill gotten Wealth, among their elder Brethren, with Impunity. But that I may not give too much Encouragement to the Profeſſion, I muſt inform my maritime Readers, that the far greater Part of theſe Rovers are cut ſhort in the Purſuit, by a ſudden Precipitation into the other World.

The Riſe of theſe Rovers, ſince the Peace of Utrecht, or at leaſt, the great Encreaſe of them, may juſtly be computed to the Spaniſh Settlements in the Weſt Indies; the Governors of which, being often ſome hungry Courtiers, ſent thither to repair or
