Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/352

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Capt. Tho. Anſtis.

Judge. D’ye hear how the Scoundrel prates?——What have we to do with Reaſon?——I’d have you to know, Raskal, we don’t ſit here to hear Reaſon;——we go according to Law.——Is our Dinner ready?

Attor. Gen. Yes, my Lord.

Judge. Then heark’ee, you Raskal at the Bar; hear me, Sirrah, hear me.——You muſt ſuffer, for three Reaſons; firſt, becauſe it is not fit I ſhould ſit here as Judge, and no Body be hang’d.————Secondly, you muſt be hang’d, becauſe you have a damn’d hanging Look:——And thirdly, you muſt be hang’d, becauſe I am hungry; for know, Sirrah, that ’tis a Cuſtom, that whenever the Judge’s Dinner is ready before the Tryal is over, the Priſoner is to be hang’d of Courſe.——There’s Law for you, ye Dog.——So take him away Goaler.

This is the Tryal juſt as it was related to me; the Deſign of my ſetting it down, is only to ſhew how theſe Fellows can jeſt upon Things, the Fear and Dread of which, ſhould make them tremble.

The beginning of August 1722, the Pyrates made ready the Brigantine, and came out to Sea, and beating up to Windward, lay in the Track for their Correſpondant in her Voyage to Jamaica, and ſpoke with her; but finding nothing was done in England in their Favour, as ’twas expected, they return’d to their Conſorts at the Iſland with the ill News, and found themſelves under a Neceſſity, as they fancied, to continue that abominable Courſe of Life they had lately practis’d; in order thereto, they ſail’d with the Ship and Brigantine to the Southward, and the next Night, by intolerable Neglect, they run the Morning Star upon the Grand Caimanes, and wreck’d her; the Brigantine ſeeing the Fate of her Conſort, hall’d off in Time, and ſo weather’d the Iſland. The next Day Captain Anſtis put in,and