Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/362

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Capt. George Lowther.

The Names of Governor and Captain ſounded great, but when the Gentlemen found that the Power that generally goes along with thoſe Titles, was overſway’d and born down by the Merchants and Factors, (mechanick Fellows as they thought them) they grew very impatient and diſatiſfy’d, eſpecially Maſſey, who was very loud in his Complaints againſt them, particularly at the ſmall Allowance of Proviſions to him and his Men; for the Garriſon and Governor too, were victualled by the Merchants, which was no ſmall Grievance and Mortification to them. And as the want of eating was the only Thing that made the great Sancho quit his Government, ſo did it here rend and tare their’s to Pieces: For Maſſey told them, that he did not come there to be a Guiney Slave, and that he had promiſed his Men good Treatment, and Proviſions fitting for Soldiers: That as he had the Care of ſo many of his Majeſty’s Subjects, if they would not provide for them in a handſome Manner, he ſhould take ſuitable Meaſures for the Preſervation of ſo many of his Countrymen and Companions.

The Governor at this Time was very ill of a Fever, and, for the better Accomodation in his Sickneſs, was carried aboard the Ship Gambia Caſtle, where he continued for about three Weeks, and therefore could have little to ſay in this Diſpute, tho’ he reſolved not to ſtay in a Place, where there was ſo little Occaſion for him, and where his Power was ſo confin’d. The Merchants had certainly Orders from the Company, to iſſue the Proviſions out to the Garriſon, and the ſame is done along the whole Coaſt; but whether they had cut them ſhort of the Allowance that was appointed them, I can’t ſay, but if they did, then is the Loſs of the Ship and Garriſon owing principally to their ill Conduct.
