Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/378

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Capt. George Lowther.

becauſe it was a Place where Traders did not commonly uſe, ſo took the Advantage of attacking her, as ſhe was then unprepared; the Eagle having fired a Gun to oblige her to ſhew her Colours, the Pyrate hoiſted the St. George’s Flag at their Topmaſt-Head, as it were to bid Defiance to her; but when they found Moore and his Crew reſolved to board them in good earneſt, the Pyrates cut their Cable and hawled their Stern on Shore, which obliged the Eagle to come to an Anchor a-thwart their Hawſe, where ſhe engaged them till they called for Quarter and ſtruck; at which Time Lowther and twelve of the Crew made their Eſcape out of the Cabin Window. The Maſter of the Eagle got the Pyrate Sloop off, ſecured her, and went aſhore with 25 Hands, in Purſuit of Lowther and his Gang; but after five Day’s ſearch, they could find but five of them, which they brought aboard, and then proceeded with the Sloop and Pyrates to Comena aforeſaid, where they ſoon arrived.

The Spaniſh Governor being informed of this brave Action, condemned the Sloop to the Captors, and ſent a ſmall Sloop with 23 Hands to ſcower the Buſhes and other Places of the Iſland of Blanco, for the Pyrates that remained there, and took four more, with ſeven ſmall Arms, leaving behind them Captain Lowther, three Men, and a little Boy, which they could not take; the above four the Spaniards try’d and condemned to Slavery for Life; three to the Gallies, and the other to the Caſtle of Arraria.

The Eagle Sloop brought all their Priſoners afterwards to St. Chriſtopher’s, where the following were try’d by a Court of Vice Admiralty, there held March the 11th, 1722, viz. John Churchill, Edward Mackdonald, Nicholas Lewis, Richard Weſt, Sam. Levercott, Robert White, John Shaw, Andrew Hunter, Jonathan Delve, Matthew Freebarn, Henry Wat-ſon