Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/394

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Of Capt. Edward Low.

Noſe, and cut him in ſeveral Places of his Body, and, after plundering his Ship, let him purſue his Voyage.

After this he took a Sloop bound to Amboy, William Frazier, Maſter, with whom Mr. Low happening to be diſpleaſed, he ordered lighted Matches to be ty’d between the Mens Fingers, which burnt all the Fleſh off the Bones; then cut them in ſeveral Parts of their Bodies with Knives and Cutlaſhes; afterwards took all their Proviſions away, and ſet ſome of them aſhore in an uninhabited Part of the Country.

The Kingſton, Captain Eſtwick, another Ship, one Burrington Maſter, two Brigantines from Carolina to London; a Sloop from Virginia to Bermudas; a Ship from Glaſgow to Virginia; a Scooner from New-York to South-Carolina; a Pink from Virginia to Dartmouth, and a Sloop from Philadelphia to Surinam, fell a Prey to theſe Villains, upon this Cruize, beſides thoſe above-mentioned.

It happened that at this Time one of his Majeſty’s Ships was upon a Cruize, on this Station, and got Intelligence of ſome of the miſchievous Actions of this Miſcreant, by one of the Veſſels that had been plundered by him, who ſteering as directed, came in Sight of the Pyrates by break of Day, on the 10th of June, of all Days in the Year. The Rovers looking out for Prey, ſoon ſaw, and gave Chace to the Man of War, which was called the Greyhound, a Ship of 20 Guns, and 120 Men, rather inferiour in Force to the two Pyrate Veſſels: The Greyhound finding them ſo eager, was in no doubt what they ſhould be, and therefore tack’d and ſtood from them, giving the Pyrates an Opportunity to chace her for two Hours, till all Things were in Readineſs for an Engagement, and the Pyrates about Gun-ſhot off; then the Greyhound tack’d again, and ſtood towards the two Sloops, oneof