Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/403

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Of Capt. Edward Low.

The latter End of July, (1723,) Low took a large Ship, called the Merry Chriſtmas, and fitted her for a Pyrate, cut ſeveral Ports in her, and mounted her with 34 Guns. Low goes aboard of this Ship, aſſumes the Title of Admiral, and hoiſts a black Flag, with the Figure of Death in red, at the Main-topmaſt Head, and takes another Voyage to the Weſtern Iſlands, where he arrived the Beginning of September. The firſt Veſſel he met with there, was a Brigantine, formerly an Engliſh Sloop, commanded by Elias Wild, but lately bought by a Portugueſe Nobleman, and altered: She was manned partly with Engliſh, and partly Portugueſe; the latter Low cauſed to be hang’d, by Way of Repriſal, for ſome of his own Men ſent thither in a Sloop from the Cape de Verd Iſlands, as has been mentioned: The Engliſh Men he thruſt into their own Boat, to ſhift for themſelves, and ſet Fire to the Veſſel.

At St. Michaels, they ſent in their Boats and cut out of the Road, a new London built Ship of 14 Guns, commanded by Captain Thompſon, who was taken there the Year before, by Low, in the Roſe Pink. The Boats had fewer Men than the Ship, and Captain Thompſon would have defended himſelf, but his Men through Cowardize, or too great an Inclination of becoming Pyrates themſelves, refuſed to ſtand by him, and he was obliged to ſurrender; and when he came aboard the Pyrate, had his Ears cut off cloſe to his Head, for only propoſing to reſiſt Admiral Low’s black Flag; they gave him one of his own Boats, and burnt his Ship.

The next was a Portugueſe Bark that fell into their Hands, whoſe Men came off ſomewhat better than uſual, for they only cut them with their Cutlaſhes, out of Wantonneſs, turned them all into their Boat, and ſet their Veſſel on Fire. When the Boat was going from the Side of the Ship, one

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