Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/424

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Of Capt. John Phillips.

in his Blood our Scarlet and Crimſon Guilt may be all waſhed away!

We are ſenſible of an hard Heart in us, full of Wickedneſs. And we look upon God for his renewing Grace upon us.

We bleſs God for the Space of Repentance which he has given us; and that he has not cut us off in the Midſt and Heighth of our Wickedneſs.

We are not without Hope, that God has been ſavingly at work upon our Souls.

We are made ſenſible of our abſolute Need of the Righteouſneſs of Chriſt; that we may ſtand juſtified before God in that. We renounce all Dependance on our own.

We are humbly thankful to the Miniſters of Chriſt, for the great Pains they have taken for our Good. The Lord Reward their Kindneſs.

We don’t Deſpair of Mercy; but hope, through Chriſt, that when we dye, we ſhall find Mercy with God, and be received into his Kingdom.

We wiſh others, and eſpecially the Sea-faring, may get Good by what they ſee this Day befalling of us.

Declared in the Preſence of J. W. D. M.