Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/428

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Of Captain Spriggs.

lieved her to be a Spaniard, when they came cloſe up to her, they diſcharged a Broadſide, with ſmall and great Shot, which was follow’d by another, but the Ship making a lamentable Cry for Quarters, they ceas’d firing, and ordered the Captain to come aboard, which he did, but how diſappointed the Rogues were when they found ’twas their old Friend Captain Hawkins, whom they had ſent away three Days before, worth not one Penny? This was ſuch a Baulk to them, that they reſolved he ſhould ſuffer for falling in their Way, tho’ it was ſo contrary to his own Inclinations: About 15 of them ſurrounded the poor Man with ſharp Cutlaſhes, and fell upon him, whereby he was ſoon laid flat on the Deck; at that Inſtant Burridge flew amongſt the thickeſt of the Villains, and begg’d earneſtly for his Life, upon whoſe Requeſt ’twas granted. They were now moſt of ’em drunk, as is uſual at this Time of Night, ſo they unanimouſly agreed to make a Bonfire of Hawkins’s Ship, which was immediately done, and in half an Hour ſhe was all of a Blaze.

After this, they wanted a little more Diverſion, and ſo Captain Hawkins was ſent for down to the Cabin to Supper; what ſhould the Proviſion be, but a Diſh of Candles, which he was forced to eat, having a naked Sword and a Piſtol held to his Breaſt all the while; when this was over, they buffeted him about for ſome Time, and ſent him forward amongſt the other Priſoners, who had been treated with the ſame Delicacies.

Two Days afterwards, they anchor’d at a little uninhabited Iſland, call’d Rattan, near the Bay of Honduras, and put aſhore Captain Hawkins, and ſeveral other Men, (one of them his Paſſenger) who dy’d there of the Hardſhips he underwent. They gave them Powder and Ball, and a Muſquet, with whichthey