Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/430

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Of Captain Spriggs.

who very fairly run for it. The Pyrate ask’d the Maſter if he knew Captain Solgard, who anſwering No; he ask’d another the ſame Queſtion, and then a third, who ſaid he knew him very well, upon which Spriggs ordered him to be ſweated, which was done in the Manner before deſcrib’d.

Inſtead of going to Newfoundland as the Pyrates threat’ned, they came back to the Iſlands, and to Windward of St. Chriſtophers, on the 4th of June laſt, took a Sloop, Nicholas Trot Maſter, belonging to St. Euſtatia, and wanting a little Diverſion, they hoiſted the Men as high as the Main and Fore Tops, and let them run down amain, enough to break all the Bones in their Skins, and after they had pretty well crippled them by this cruel Uſage, and whipp’d them about the Deck, they gave Trot his Sloop, and let him go, keeping back only 2 of his Men, beſides the Plunder of the Veſſel.

Within two or three Days they took a Ship coming from Rhode-Iſland to St. Chriſtophers, loaden with Proviſions and ſome Horſes; the Pyrates mounted the Horſes and rid them about the Deck backwards and forwards a full Gallop, like Madmen at New-Market, curſing, ſwearing, and hallowing, at ſuch a Rate, that made the poor Creatures wild, and at length, two or three of them throwing their Riders, they fell upon the Ship’s Crew, and whipp’d, and cut, and beat them in a barbarous Manner, telling them, it was for bringing Horſes without Boots and Spurs, for want of which they were not able to ride them.

This is the laſt Account we have had of Captain Spriggs, I ſhall only add the two following Relations, and conclude.

A Brigantine belonging to Briſtol, one Mr. Rowry Maſter, had been trading at Gambia, in Africa, and falling as low as Cape Mount, to finiſhthe