Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/440

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By 28 H. 8. Murthers and Robberies committed upon the Sea, or in other Places, where the Admiral pretends Juriſdiction, ſhall be enquired into, try’d, heard, and determined, in ſuch Places and Counties within the Realm, as ſhall be limited by the King’s Commiſſion, in like Manner as if ſuch Offences were done at Land. And ſuch Commiſſions (being under the Great Seal) ſhall be directed to the Lord Admiral, his Lieutenant or Deputy, and to three or four ſuch others as the Lord Chancellor ſhall name.

The ſaid Commiſſioners, or three of them, have Power to enquire of ſuch Offences by twelve lawful Men of the Country, ſo limited in their Commiſſion, as if ſuch Offences were done at Land, within the ſame County; and every Indictment ſo found and preſented, ſhall be good in Law; and ſuch Order, Progreſs, Judgment, and Execution ſhall be uſed, had, done, and made thereupon, as against Offenders for Murder and Felony done at Land. Alſo the Tryal of ſuch Offences (if they be denied) ſhall be had by twelve Men of the County, limited in the ſaid Commiſſion, (as aforeſaid,) and no Challenge ſhall be had for the Hundred: And ſuch as ſhall be convict of ſuch Offences, ſhall ſuffer Death without Benefit of Clergy, and forfeit Land and Goods, as in Caſe of Felonies and Murders done at Land.

This Act ſhall not prejudice any Perſon, or Perſons, (urged by Neceſſity) for taking Victuals, Cables, Ropes, Anchors or Sails, out of another Ship that may ſpare them, ſo as they either pay ready Money, or Money worth for them, or give a Bill for the Payment thereof; if on this Side the Straits of Gibraltar, within four Months; if beyond, within twelve Months.

When any ſuch Commiſſion ſhall be ſent to any Place within the Juriſdiction of the Cinque-Ports, it ſhall be directed to the Warden of the ſaid Ports, or his Deputy with three or four other Perſons, as the Lord Chancellor ſhall Name; and the Inquiſition or Tryal of ſuch Offences, there, ſhall be made and had, by the Inhabitants of the ſaid Ports, and Members of the ſame.
