Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/82

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Of Black-Beard.

her; who upon ſeeing the black Flag hoiſted, ſtruck his Sail and came to, under the Stern of Teach the Commadore. She was called the Adventure, from Jamaica, David Harriot Maſter. They took him and his Men aboard the great Ship, and ſent a Number of other Hands with Iſrael Hands, Maſter of Teach’s Ship, to Man the Sloop for the pyratical Account.

The 9th of April, they weighed from Turniff, having lain there about a Week, and ſailed to the Bay, where they found a Ship and four Sloops, three of the latter belonged to Jonathan Bernard, of Jamaica, and the other to Captain James; the Ship was of Boſton, called the Proteſtant Cæſar, Captain Wyar Commander. Teach hoiſted his Black Colours, and fired a Gun, upon which Captain Wyar and all his Men, left their Ship, and got aſhore in their Boat. Teach’s Quarter-Maſter, and eight of his Crew, took Poſſeſſion of Wyar’s Ship, and Richards ſecured all the Sloops, one of which they burnt out of ſpight to the Owner; the Proteſtant Cæſar they alſo burnt, after they had plundered her, becauſe ſhe belonged to Boſton, where ſome Men had been hanged for Pyracy; and the three Sloops belonging to Bernard they let go.

From hence the Rovers ſailed to Turkill, and then to the Grand Caimanes, a ſmall Iſland about thirty Leagues to the Weſtward of Jamaica, where they took a ſmall Turtler, and ſo to the Havana, and from thence to the Bahama Wrecks, and from the Bahama Wrecks, they ſailed to Carolina, taking a Brigantine and two Sloops in their Way, where they lay off the Bar of Charles-Town for five or ſix Days. They took here a Ship as ſhe was coming out, bound for London, commanded by Robert Clark, with ſome Paſſengers on Board for England; the next Day they took another Veſſel coming out of Charles-Town, and alſo two Pinks coming into Charles-
