Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/105

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offer, propose to, před Miti (lit. to lay before).

elector, kurfirst (fr. German).

prince, kníže (for plural see /-stems among the declen- sions).


the Empire, rise, f.

a plan, navrh, m. (lit. on the top).

especially, jmenovití. in the matter, v přičiní (lit. the cause).

the election, volba (-ba, a com- mon feminine termination of substantives derived from verbs).

a king, král (fr. the Ger. Karl by metathesis, i. e. from . Charles the Great, or Charle- magne, a monarch with whom the Slavs came early into conflict).

a right, právo, s.n.

unanimous, jednosvorný.

agreement, usneseni; verbal noun (lit. carrying).

for the most part, vílsím dílem.

already, jeslí.

for the rest, ostatkem ; instr. of

ostatok. equally, rovníž. celebrated, slavný. at Metz, v Metzi.


give forth to, vydati. See the list of prepositions in com- position with verbs.

letter, s.m., list.

known, známý; used as an ad- jective, but really pres. part, pass, of znali, to know; see 1 st conj. In many of the Slavonic languages we have these participles used more or less as adjectives. Cf. Bulgarian.

generally, vůbec.

Golden, zlatý.

Bull, bulla.

from that time, odtud.

to remain, zůstali.

fundamental, základní.

law, zakon ; put the noun and its adjective in the predica- tive instr.

for some centuries, na nikolik století, nikolik, an adverb governing a genitive case, like Lat. parum sapientiae.

letter, document, listina; almost a synonym of list.

affirm, or confirm to, stvrdili, from tvrdý; firm, the prep. s plays just the same part as con- in the Lat. confirmare.

again, opít; root'pata, the heel. See supra.

old, starý. 2