Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/178

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Frankfurt, name of place, Frankfort.


general, s.m., a general. H.

hana, s.f., abuse (Ger. Hohri).

Havel, proper name of a Bohe- mian saint.

Herkulanum, s.n., name of a city; Herculaneum.

hlad, s.m., hunger.

hlava, s.f, a head.

hlavni, adj., chief.

hleděli, v.a., to see, take care.

hluboce, adv., deeply.

hnáti, v.a., to drive.

hned, adv., at once.

hoch, m., a young fellow, boy.

hora, s.f., a mountain.

hoře, s.n., grief, sorrow.

hořekování, s.n., lamentation.

hořeli, v.n., to be eager.

hořký, adj., bitter.

horlivý, adj., zealous.

hrabě, s.m., a count.

hraběcí, adj., belonging to a count.

/inzrf, s.m., a city; in its strict sense, ' the inner fortified part.'

hřbet, s.m., the back; hřbetem vzhůru, inside out.

hrdina, s.m., a hero.

hrdinský, adv., heroically.

hrst, s.f, a handful.

hrstka, s.f, a handful (diminu- tive).

humanita, s.f., humanity. Hus, proper name, often erro- neously spelt Huss. hustý, adj., thick.


chechtali, v.n., to laugh loudly.

chladný, adj., cold.

chlubili se, v. refl., to boast.

chod, s.m., a path.

chodili, v.n., to go.

c/W, s.f., a wife.

chováni, s.n., duty, position.

chrám, s.m., a church.

f/z/z'/z', v.a., to wish.


/, conj., and, also. ideal, s.m., ideal. interess, s.m., interest, advan- tage.


jak, conj., as. jako, conj., as.

1 Found in no proper Čech words, its place being supplied by h ; see Grammar.