Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/191

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vinný, adj., belonging to wine or the vine.

vino, s.n., wine.

vír, s.m., giddiness.

Vit, proper name, Vitus, a Bohemian saint.

vlaní, s.n., agitation.

vlastenec, s.m., a patriot.

vlastenecký, adj., patriotic.

vlastní, adj., one's own, be- longing to one.

vlk, s.m., a wolf.

vlna, s.f., a wave.

voda, s.f., water.

vojsko, s.n., an army.

Vojtech, proper name, generally translated Adalbert.

volení, s.n., election.

volili, v.a., to elect.

vplyv, s.m., influence.

vrátiti, v.a., to turn ; vráiiti se, to return.

vršek, s.m., a hill, a height.

vstoupili, v.n., to enter.

vstríč, prep., against, conj., but.

vie, adv., altogether.

všecek, adj., all.

všelijak, adj., in all kinds of ways.

vtip, s.m., talent, genius.

adv., in general. vůle, s.f., will.

vychladnouli, v.n., to grow cold.

vycvičili, v.a., to instruct, ar- range.

vyhověli, v.a., to suffice.

vykázali, v.a., to appoint.

vylíčili, v.n., to represent.

vynikali, v.n., to be conspicu- ous, prominent.

vypásli, v.n., to fall out.

vyprážení, s.n., maintenance, support.

vypuknouti, v.n., to break out.

výroční, adj., yearly.

»yjijf», adj., the highest, superl. of vysoký.

vystupovali, v.n., to come forth.

vytisknouti, v.a., to drive out, to force out.

vyvinouti, v.a., to untwist, un- twine.

výzamný, adj., full of meaning,

significant. význačný, adj., valuable, rare. vzdorovali, v.a., to defy. vždy, adv., always; na vždy,

for eyer. vzkfik, s.m., an outcry. vztahovali, v.a., to direct.


z#, prep., during, for, after. začátek, s.m., the beginning. začíti, v.a., to begin. záhadný, adj., problematical, dubious.