Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/20

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Numerals :

(1) Cardinal 20

(2) Ordinal . . .21

The Hours of the Day 23

Fractions of Numerals 23

Collective Numerals 23

The Pronoun :

The Personal Pronoun 24

The Reflexive Pronoun 25

Possessive Pronouns ....... 26

Demonstrative Pronouns 27

Relative and Interrogative Pronouns .... 28

Indefinite Pronouns 29

The Verb 30

The Prepositional Prefixes 31

(1) The Infinitive Stem 34

The Aspects of the Verb 34

(2) The Present Stem 36

A. Conjugation with the Present Suffix :

First Class. Stems without Connecting Vowel :

(1) Those inland/ 37

(2) Those in s 37

(3) Those in b and v 38

(4) Those in h and k 38

(5) Those in m and , nasal stems . . 39

(6) Those in r and l..... 39

(7) Those which end in a vowel . . .40

Second Class. Stems with Connecting Vowel:

na-stems ....... 41

Third Class. Stems with Connecting Vowel <? :

First Group ....... 41

Second Group . . . . . .42

Fourth Class. Stems with Connecting Vowel / 42