Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/36

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D. oc-im A. oči V. oči I. oč-ima L. v oč-ích.

N. us-i, the ears

G. us-i

D. us-im

A. us-i

V. us-i

I. us-ima

L. v us-ich.

Although the singular of these nouns is neuter, the dual is considered feminine, and thus we have modré oči, blue eyes. When an adjective or a possessive pronoun is used with the instrumental for the sake of euphony, it takes a dual form, as slyšel sem to svýma vlastníma usima, I heard it with my own ears.

this declension are písmeno, the letter (of the alphabet); plemeno, the race; rameno, the arm ; semeno, the seed; temeno, the top of the head.

(3) s-stems.

nebe, the sky. Singular. Plural.

N. neb-e neb-esa

G. neb-e neb-es

D. neb-i neb-esům

A. neb-e neb-esa

I. neb-em neb-esy

L. v neb-i v neb-esích.

To this declension properly belong oko, the eye, and ucho, the ear, which are thus declined. The singular is like the ordinary neuter substantive in -0; the plural has disappeared except in a few special uses and is now supplied by the dual. Thus :—

N. oči, the eyes

G. oc-i