Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/44

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400ti1. čtyřstý. 500th. pětistý. 600th. šestistý. 700th. sedmistý. 800th. osmistý.

900th. devitistý.

1,000th. tisici.

2,000th. dvoutisící.

10,000th. desítitisicí.

100,000th. stotisící.

The following are the chief rules for the use of the numerals:— Jeden, jedna, jedno is declined like an adjective and agrees with its noun.

N. A. dva, dvl (the last for fem. and neut.) G. L. dvou D. I. dvěma.

In the same way is declined oba, both; obě, obou, oběma.

N. A. tři I. iřemi

G. tři L. ve třech. D. třem

N. A. čtyři I. čtyřmi

D: čtyřem \

It will be seen that the first four numerals are used as adjectives and agree with the nouns to which they belong, as dvě jablka, two apples ; čtyři muhve', four men ; tři Seny, three women. The rest of the numerals from pět onwards are treated as substantives and take the noun, which goes after them in the genitive plural, as pět hrušek, five pears. This, how- ever, only applies to the numeral when used in the nominative and accusative cases; in all the other cases it is used as an adjective and agrees with its noun; e.g. pěti hruškami, with five pears.

From pět inclusive to devět a devadesát (99) the nominative, accusative, and vocative of the numerals are the same, the remaining cases take the suffix -i. Slo (100) and tisíc (1,000)



L. ve čtyřech.