Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/48

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the end of words, vimf=vim it, lit. I know for you, i.e. There you see, I know \

Some of the prepositions are put with the pronoun of the 3rd person masc. in a contracted form. This is constantly found in Old Slavonic, and, of the modern languages, in Polish and Čech. The accusative is used in Čech mostly after the following prepositions: pro, na, o, ve, za; more rarely after přes, skrz, nad, pod, před; thus: pron, concerning him, on his account; nan, on him ; oh, concerning him ; veh, in him; zah, behind him: přeseři, over him; skrzeh, through him; nadeh, upon him; podeh, under him; předen, before him. Cf. the Polish dlaň zen, &c.

Possessive Pronouns. můj, mine. Singular.

Masc. Fem. Neut.

N. můj má, moje me', moje

G. m-e'ho m-e', mojí m-ého

D. m-e'mu m-e', mojí m-e'mu

A. m-e'ho (inanimate m-ou, m-oji m-e'-, m-oje

things, můj)

I. m-ým m-ou, m-ojí m-ým

L. v m-e'm v mé, m-ojí v m-e'm.


N. m-oji (mí) mé, m-oje m-á, m-oje

(inan. mé, moje) G. m-ých m-ých m-ých

D. m-ým m-ým m-ým

A. m-é, m-oje m-é, m-oje m-á, m-oje

I. m-ými m-ými m-ými

L. v m-ých v m-ých v m-ých.

In this way are declined tvůj, thy ; svůj, his.

1 This seems to be cognate with such forms as Russian noflfteiiTe, let us go.