Page:A grammar of the Teloogoo language.djvu/96

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and therefore, as Sund.hi does not take place, *> is inserted between it and the following word, according to rule 89.

Words ending in any of the long vowels never have Sund.hi, nor do the short vowels ' "* or 2/ admit of Sand, hi, except when followed by the words specified in rule 103. When followed by any other words beginning with an initial vowel, words of such terminations, if they be ySfc/Cf^ 3^i3bex> drootu- prukrootoolno insert ^ n, and if &% &> kululoo coo.

As the first word in each of the following phrases belongs to the class termed ? coo is inserted between it and the word which follows. a W oman, and <*>& where? make ^55"erc&>a where is the woman ? 0:0 being inserted between #>tr an j oift changes the following initial vowel a) of <^& to its connected form , and uniting with it, forms one syllable c&>, by means of which the two words coalesce ; SS^S a Palanqueen, and ^ &> he, she, or it mounted, make 3>&sc&r &) he, she, or it mounted the Palanqueen; S5"^x coloured, and 2ol3 a garment make Sl&c&MiS a coloured garment; ~o night, and *>o<6 lustre, make ~oc^>o5p moonshine ; "^> Me ancl 2oJ5qJ) beauty, make ^>^>o?5^) personal beauty; S> money, and donation, make ^ooo-oS) </ ie donation of money ; ^ Me woow, and , or #, make ^ cCooSoooo^itk Me waoon arose. Al

The first word in each of the following phrases being of the class named &3j*$ [ &)^$)ZX) drootuprukrootooloo, & n is inserted between it and the word which follows.

$3S ~^ slowly, and &C~7&> he, she, or it went, make !%C^ he, she it or it went slowly ; $ n being inserted between ScSi^A* and changes the following initial vowel & of &c~7;& into it's connected form "^ , and uniting with it, forms one' syllable ~^, by means of which the two words coalesce; the accusative )~$~e^ the Creator, and -&>tlo" : 3f& he, she, or it saw, make S3!^'r) i JUo~T3r& he, she, or z sazy the Creator; ^^ (9orf, in the accusative case, and -& i JUo' : 3f& he, she, or # Saw, make ^ K^jA.o'SrW Ae, 5//e, or it &aio God; ?^?^J Me Goddess of learning, (in the accusative case),