Page:A handbook of the Cornish language; Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature.djvu/237

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MR. NUTT'S CELTIC LIST THE HOME OF THE EDDIC POEMS, with especial reference to the Helgi Lays. By Professor SOPHUS BUGGE, translated by W. H. SCHOFIELD. 1899. Ixxx, 408 pp. i, is. Nearly out of print.

      1. Contains the fullest presentment of Professor Bugge's theory of

the influence exercised by Irish upon Norse mythic literature. THE WIFE OF BATH'S TALE; its Sources and Analogues. By G. F. MAYNADIER. 1901. xii, 222 pp. 155. Nearly out of print.

  1. % In this exhaustive study of the "Transformed Hag" theme, Mr.

Maynadier has conclusively demonstrated the dependence of Chaucer's tale upon the earlier Irish versions. It is thus of great importance to the theory of the influence of Irish upon general mediaeval literature. SOHRAB AND RUSTEM. The Epic Theme of a Combat between Father and Son. A Study of its Genesis, Use in Literature and Popular Tradition. By MURRAY A. POTTER, A.M. 1902. xii, 224 pp. 6s.

  1. % Amongst other examples of the theme the Celtic story of Cuchu-

lainn and Conlaoch is fully discussed. THE INVISIBLE COMMONWEALTH OF ELVES, FAUNS, AND FAIRIES. A Study in Folk-Lore and Psychical Research. Text by R. KIRK, A.D. 1691. Comment by ANDREW LANG, A.D. 1893. I XY > 9 2 PP- 7 s - 6d. Nearly out of print. ^% The earliest systematic account of the Celtic fairy world. With a valuable comparative introduction by Mr. Lang. HAMLET IN ICELAND. The Ambales Saga, being the Icelandic romantic Ambales Saga, edited and translated, with extracts from five Ambales Rimur and other illustrative tracts, for the most part now first printed, and an introductory essay by I. GOLLANCZ. 1898. xcviii, 284 pp. 155. ,% The Introduction discusses the identity of the hero of the Hamlet story with Anlaf Cuaran, the Viking lord of Dublin, and is of much interest as bearing upon the relations between Irish and Norse heroic Saga. MACLAGAN (R. C.). Evil Eye in the Western High- lands. Demy 8vo. 1901. viii, 232 pp. Cloth. Net, 75. 6d. The Games and Diversions of Argyleshire, compiled by R. C. M. Demy 8vo. 1902. viii, 270 pp. Cloth, los. 6d. 10