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EDMUND GOSSE Each Volume Large Crown 8vo, price 6s.


Gosse's introduction to this new series, the list of his collaborators, his own wide knowledge and delicate taste, all assure us that whatever high hopes he may raise, we need have no fear of their ample fulfilment."—The Saturday Review.

A History of

Japanese Literature.

By William George Aston, C.M.G., D.Lit., Secretary to H.M. Legation, Tokio.


late Japanese

Aston has made a very valuable and acceptable contribution

to the not unsympathetic spirit, and he has unquestionably enabled the European reader for the first time to enjoy a comprehensive survey of the vast and ancient field of Japanese literature, of which we have had hitherto only furtive and partial glimpses. He has clothed the dry bones of his subject with the flesh and blood of living reality, and we can follow with unflagging interest the whole process of evolution down to the most recent developments of the Japanese mind."—The Times. Justice has been done for the first time to the neglected, or rather never comprehended, subject of the prose and verse of Japan. This is what Mr. Aston has effected, in a volume of unique erudition, wide research, clear discrimination, and excellent design; while, by such an achievement, he has wrought a memorable service not only to those interested in Japan and Japanese studies, but to the world of letters at large, in the midst of which he now gives to her literature an intelligible, established, and a very honourable place. The literature of Japan will assuredly owe to Mr. Aston its first formal and adequate introduction to the good opinion and respectful attention of the West."^— series.

He approaches his difficult task in

a sober but



Edwin Arnold in Literature.

A History of By


J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly,



Member of the

Spanish Academy.

It is comprehensive, clear, concise; the is an excellent handbook. the are impartial; style is good, lucid, and interesting. judicial, judgments It is work well done by one who has a thorough grip of his subject."—The Academy. "This