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ish viceroys and captains-general—Spanish monopolies—Tithes—Peculations—Tupac Amaru—Ubalde—Purnacagua—The struggle at Buenos Ayres, La Paz and Quito—The inhuman Goyeneche—The uprising at Caracas—San Martin and Belgrano—The revolution at Buenos Ayres—Royalist successes in Peru—Buenos Ayres decides to assist Chile—Progress of the war in all the colonies—Bolivar—Aim of the first Juntas 127
Formation of parties in Chile—Formation of the first junta—Arrest of citizens in 1810—Disposition of the captain-general—Conde de la Conquista made president—Second congress called—Doctor Rozas—Jonte's mission to Santiago—Riot in the capital quelled by Carrera—Execution of Figueroa—Trouble in the congress over representation—Seizure of Spanish officers—The Carreras compel congress to select a new junta—Jose Miguel Carrera's power—Dissolution of congress—Reaction in favor of the Spanish party—Banishment of Rozas—High-handed measures of the Carreras—The viceroy, Abascal, dispatches Pareja to Chile with an army—Attacks at Yerbas Buenas and San Carlos—Patriot successes—O'Higgins and Mackenna—The royalists besieged in Chillan—Sanchez—O'Higgins given the chief command—Capture of the Carreras—Arrival of Gainza—Attack at Membrillar—Gainza retires to Talca—Lastra named supreme director—Arrival of Captain Hilliar and treaty of Lircay—Founding of the public library, the national institution and other schools—The first newspaper 141
The Carreras abolish the office of supreme director—Party dissensions—Arrival of Osorio to reinforce Gainza—Defeat at Cachapoal and Rancagua—Consternation of the patriots—Flight to Mendoza—Osorio restores the authority of Spain—Banishment of citizens—San Bruno and Marco, their infamous acts—San Martin organizes an army at Mendoza—Rodriguez harasses the Spaniards—The passage of the Andes—Battle of Chacabuco and defeat of the royalists—San Martin enters Santiago—Bernardo O'Higgins named supreme director—Confiscations—Skirmishes in the south 157