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Three Literary Masterpieces By ALFRED DE MUSSET:— Barberine, and Other Comedies. i6mo. Cloth, gilt top, - $1.2S The grace and delicacy of his remarkable dramas, the intensity with which the story is adapted to the moral, the abundant wit which illustrates and pervades them, make them unique in literature. — George Saintsbury. Strange, fantastic, exquisite little comedies. — Henry James De Musset was the merry and capricious Ariel, taking it into his head here and there to play the part of Caliban: he was the sly Puck, ■taking delight in the ass's head of Titania's lover. The utmost of which the mind is capable in suddenness, caprice, and promiscuity, seemed to compose his essence; the grotesque, the quaint, the impos- sible welled within him every instant with the most charming inspira- tions, and formed the many colored tissue of his style. — Demo^c^'i. The Beauty Spot, and Other Stories. i6mo. Cloth, illustrated, gilt top, - Si. 25 In the quality of his fancy Musset always reminds us of Shakes- peare. * * * Several of his tales are masterpieces. — Henry James. His nouve//es are extraordinarily brilliant; his poems are charged with passion, fancy and fine satiric power; in his plays he hits upon a method of his own, in which no one has dared or availed to follow him with any closeness. — Encyclopedia Britannica. The Confession of a Child of the Century. i6mo. Cloth, gilt top, - $1.25 "The Confession of a Child of the Century" is rather a monody than a story; it opens with a chapter of wonderful force and effect — a -sort of battle symphony, rising to sublime bursts. The whole book abounds in sublime passages of the greatest eloquence and beauty, in pithy and pregnant sentences which condense great observation and knowledge of human nature, in chapters which are perfect poems of fancy and tenderness, and interrupt the chant of the narrative like strains of soft music. — Westminster Review. The above books are beautifully bound in gold and silver and blue and brown. They will be sent postpaid on receipt of the price by the publishers. CHARLES H. SERGEL & CO., CHICAGO.