Page:A history of Sanskrit literature (1900), Macdonell, Arthur Anthony.djvu/456

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comm. and notes, Bombay, 1895; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; Çānkhāyana Gṛihya, ed. and trans. into German by Oldenberg, Indische Studien, vol. xv.; Eng. trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; Gobhila Gṛihya, ed. with comm. by Ch. Tarkālaṃkāra, Calc., 1880 (Bibl. Ind.); ed. by Knauer, Dorpat, 1884; trans. by Knauer, Dorpat, 1887; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxx.; Pāraskara Gṛihya, ed. and trans. by Stenzler, Leipsic, 1876; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxix.; Āpastamba Gṛihya, ed. Winternitz, Vienna, 1887; trans. in Sacred Books, vol. xxx.; Hiraṇyakeçi Gṛihya, ed. Kirste, Vienna, 1889; trans. Sacred Books, vol. xxx.; Mantrapāṭha, ed. Winternitz, Oxford, 1897; Mānava Gṛihya, ed. Knauer, Leipsic, 1897; Kauçika Sūtra, ed. Bloomfield, New Haven, 1890; Pitṛimedha Sūtras of Baudhāyana, Hiraṇyakeçin, Gautama, ed. Caland, Leipsic, 1896. Āpastamba Dharma Sūtra, ed. Bühler, Bombay Sansk. Ser., two parts, 1892 and 1894; Baudhāyana Dh. S., ed. Hultzsch, Leipsic, 1884; Gautama Dharma Çāstra, ed. Stenzler, London, 1876; Vāsishṭha Dharma Çāstra, ed. Führer, Bombay, 1883; Hiraṇyakeçi Dharma Sūtra, unedited; Vaikhānasa Dharma Sūtra, described by Bloch, Vienna, 1896; Āpastamba, Gautama, Vasishṭha, Baudhāyana, trans. by Bühler, Sacred Books, 2nd ed., Oxford, 1897. Rigveda Prātiçākhya, ed. with German trans. by Max Müller, Leipsic, 1856-69; ed. with Uvaṭa's comm., Benares, 1894; Riktantravyākaraṇa (Sāma Pr.), ed., trans. Burnell, Mangalore, 1879; Taittirīya Prāt., ed. Whitney, Journ. of the Am. Or. Soc., vol. ix., 1871; Vājasaneyi Prāt., ed. with comm. of Uvaṭa, Benares Sansk. Series, 1888; Atharvaveda Prāt., ed. Whitney, Journal Am. Or. Soc., vols. vii. and x. The Çulva Sūtra of Baudhāyana, ed. and trans. by Thibaut, in the Pandit, vol. ix.; cf. his article on the Çulvasūtras in the Jour. of As. Soc. Bengal, vol. xliv., Calc. 1875. Six Vedāngas, Sanskrit text, Bombay, 1892; Yāska's Nirukta, ed. R. Roth, Göttingen, 1852; ed. with comm. by S. Sāmaçramī (Bibl. Ind.); Sarvānukramaṇī, ed. Macdonell, Oxford, 1886 (together with Anuvākānukramaṇī and Shaḍguruçishya's comm.); Ārshānukramaṇī, Chhandonukramaṇī, Bṛihaddevatā, ed. R. Mitra, 1892 (Bibl. Ind.); Pingala's Chhandaḥ Sūtra, ed. in Bibl. Ind., 1874; in Weber's Indische Studien, vol. viii. (which is important as treat-