Page:A history of Sanskrit literature (1900), Macdonell, Arthur Anthony.djvu/458

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p. 407 ff., vol. li. p. 605 ff.; Ludwig, Ueber das Rāmāyaṇa, Prag, 1894; Baumgartner, Das Rāmāyaṇa, Freiburg i B., 1894; Bombay recension, ed. Gorresio, Turin, 1843-67; with three comm., 3 vols., Bombay, 1895; Bengal recension, Calc., 1859-60; trans. by Griffith into Eng. verse, Benares, 1895; into Eng. prose, M. N. Dutt, Calc., 1894.

On the age of Kāvya poetry consult especially Bühler, Die indischen Inschriften und das Alter der indischen Kunstpoesie, in Trans. of the Imp. Vienna Academy, Vienna, 1890; Fleet, Corpus Inscr. Ind., vol. iii., Calcutta, 1888. On the Vikrama era see Kielhorn, Göttinger Nachrichten, 1891, pp. 179-182, and on the Mālava era, Ind. Ant., xix. p. 316; on the chronology of Kālidāsa, Huth, Die Zeit des Kālidāsa, Berlin, 1890. Buddhacharita, ed. Cowell, Oxford, 1893; trans. by Cowell, Sacred Books, vol. xlix. Raghuvaṃça, ed. Stenzler, with Latin trans., London, 1832; ed. with Mallinātha's comm., by S. P. Pandit, Bombay Sansk. Ser.; text with Eng. trans. by Jvālāprasād, Bombay, 1895; ed. K. P. Parab, with Mallinātha, Nirṇaya Sāgara Pr., Bombay, 1892; i.-vii., with Eng. trans., notes, comm. of Mallinātha, and extracts from comm. of Bhaṭṭa Hemādri, Charitravardhana, Vallabha, by G. R. Nangargika, Poona, 1896. Kumārasambhava, ed. with Latin trans. by Stenzler, London, 1838; cantos i.-vi., ed. with Eng. trans. and comm. of Mallinātha, by S. G. Despānde, Poona, 1887; second part, with full comm., ed. by J. Vīdyāsāgara, 4th ed., Calc., 1887; ed. with comm. of Mallinātha (i.-vii.) and of Sītārām (viii.-xvii.), 3rd ed., Nirṇaya Sāgara Press, Bombay, 1893; ed. with three commentaries, Bombay, 1898; trans. by Griffith, London, 1879. Bhaṭṭikāvya, ed. Calc., 1628; cantos i.-v., with comm. of Jayamangala, English trans., notes, glossary, by M. R. Kale, Bombay, 1897; with comm. of Mallinātha and notes by K. P. Trivedi, Bombay Sansk. Ser., 2 vols., 1898; German trans. of xviii.-xxii., by Schütz, Bielefeld, 1837. Kirātārjunīya, ed. by J. Vidyāsāgara,