Page:A history of Sanskrit literature (1900), Macdonell, Arthur Anthony.djvu/464

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gītā with Çankara's comm., Ānand. Ser., 1897, trans. in Sacred Books, vol. viii., 2nd ed., Oxford, 1898; by Davies, 3rd ed., 1894. Nyāya Sūtras in Vizianagram Sansk. Ser., vol. ix., Benares, 1896. Nyāyakandalī of Çrīdhara, ibid., vol. iv., 1895. Nyāyakusumānjali (Bibl. Ind.), Calc., 1895. Vaiçeshika-darçana, ed. with comm., Calc., 1887. Saptapadārthī, ed. with comm., Benares, 1893; text with Latin trans. by Winter, Leipsic, 1893. Tarkasaṃgraha, ed. J. Vidyāsāgara, Calc., 1897; ed. with comm., Bombay Sansk. Ser., 1897; text and trans. by Ballantyne, Allahabad, 1850. Sarvadarçana-saṃgraha, ed. by T. Tarkavāchaspati, Calc., 1872; trans. by Cowell and Gough, 2nd ed., London, 1894.

M'Crindle, Ancient India as Described by Classical Authors, 5 vols., especially vol. v., Invasion of India by Alexander, London, 1896. Weber, Die Griechen in Indien, in Transactions (Sitzungsberichte) of the Roy. Prussian Acad., Berlin, 1890. Sylvain Lévi, Quid de Græcis veterum Indorum monumenta tradiderint, Paris, 1890; also La Grèce et l' Inde (in Revue des Etudes Grecques), Paris, 1891. Goblet d'Alviella, Ce que l'Inde doit à la Grèce, Paris, 1897; also Les Grecs dans l' Inde, and Des Influences Classiques dans la Culture Scientifique et Littéraire de l'Inde, in vols, xxxiii., xxxiv. (1897) of Bulletin de l' Académie Royale de Belgique. L. de la Vallée Poussin, La Grèce et l'Inde, in Musée Belge, vol. ii. pp. 126-152. Vincent A. Smith, Græco-Roman Influence on the Civilisation of Ancient India in Journal of As. Soc. of Bengal, 1889-92. O. Franke, Beziehungen der Inder zum Westen, Journ. of Germ. Or. Soc., 1893, pp. 595-609. M. A. Stein in Indian Antiquary, vol. xvii. p. 89. On foreign elements in Indian art see Cunningham, Archæological Survey of India, vol. v. pp. 185 ff.; Grünwedel, Buddhistische Kunst, Berlin, 1893; E. Curtius, Griechische Kunst in Indien, pp. 235-243 in vol. ii. of Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Berlin, 1894; W. Simpson, The Classical Influence in the Architecture of the Indus Region and Afghanistan, in the Journal of the Royal Institution of British