Page:A history of Sanskrit literature (1900), Macdonell, Arthur Anthony.djvu/485

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Hon. M. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge.

ANCIENT GREEK LITERATURE. By Gilbert Murray, M. A., Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50.

"A sketch to which the much-abused word 'brilliant' may be justly applied. Mr. Murray has produced a book which fairly represents the best conclusions of modern scholarship with regard to the Greeks."—London Times.

"An illuminating history of Greek literature, in which learning is enlivened and supplemented by literary skill, by a true sense of the 'humanities.' The reader feels that this is no book of perfunctory erudition, but a labor of love, performed by a scholar, to whom ancient Greece and her literature are exceedingly real and vivid. His judgments and suggestions are full of a personal fresh sincerity; he can discern the living men beneath their works, and give us his genuine impression of them."—London Daily Chronicle.

"A fresh and stimulating and delightful book, and should be put into the hands of all young scholars. It will make them understand, or help to make them understand, to a degree they have never yet understood, that the Greek writers over whom they have toiled at school are living literature after all."—Westminster Gazette.

"Brilliant and stimulating."—London Athenæum.

"A powerful and original study."—The Nation.

"Mr. Murray's style is lucid and spirited, and, besides the fund of information, he imparts to his subject such fresh and vivid interest that students will find in these pages a new impulse for more profound and exhaustive study of this greatest and most immortal of all the world's literatures."—Philadelphia Public Ledger.

"The admirable perspective of the whole work is what one most admires. The reader unlearned in Greek history and literature sees at once the relation which a given author bore to his race and his age, and the current trend of thought, as well as what we value him for to-day. ... As an introduction to the study of some considerable portion of Greek literature in English translations it will be found of the very highest usefulness."—Boston Herald.

"Professor Murray has written an admirable book, clear in its arrangement, compact in its statements, and is one, we think, its least scholarly reader must feel an instructive and thoroughly trustworthy piece of English criticism."—New York Mail and Express.

"At once scholarly and interesting. . . . Professor Murray makes the reader acquainted not merely with literary history and criticism, but with individual living, striving Greeks. ... He has felt the power of the best there was in Greek life and literature, and he rouses the reader's enthusiasm by his own honest admiration."—Boston Transcript.

"Professor Murray has contributed a volume which shows profound scholarship, together with a keen literary appreciation. It is a book for scholars as well as for the general reader. The author is saturated with his subject, and has a rare imaginative sympathy with ancient Greece."—The Interior, Chicago.

"Written in a style that is sometimes spasmodic, often brilliant, and always fresh and suggestive."—New York Sun.

"Professor Murray's careful study will be appreciated as the work of a man of unusual special learning, combined with much delicacy of literary insight."—New York Christian Advocate.