Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/137

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GREEK ARCHITECTURE. 79 Ionic incorporated it with the order itself, usually in the form of carved enrichments on its main lines. Ionic Examples. The Archaic Temple of Artemis {Diana), Ephesns (No. 29 H, j, k) (page 84) The Temple on the I/issas, Athens (Nos 18 E, 29 A, B, c, D, 38 c) (see below). The Temple of Nike-Apteros ("Wingless Victory"'), Athens (Nos. 18 N, 26 B, F, 41 P) (see below). The Propyhca, Athens (six internal columns) (page 93) (No. 17, 18 N. 26, 40 F). The 'feiiiple of Apollo Epiciirius, Basscc (The Internal order only) (No. 27, 28 F, 29 N, O, P) (page 72). The Erechtheion, Athens (No. 17, 18 M, B.C. 420-393 29 E, F, (;. 30) (page 81). The Alaiisoleuiii, Halicarnassos (No. 35) (page 94). The Temple of Dionysus, Teos . The Temple of Hera, Samos The Philipeion, Olympii (External colon- nade). The Temple of Artemis (Diana), Ephcsiis (No. 31 A, b), (page 84). The Temple of Apollo-Didynueiis near Miletus or Branchidic [y^2i'g(t 84). The Temple of Minerva Folias (Diana) at Priene, near Miletus (No. 29 i,, M). The Temple on the Ilissus, Athens (b.c, 484) (Nos. 18 e, 29 A, B, c, D, and 38 c), was amphi-prostyle tetrastyle, placed on a platform or stylobate of 3 steps. The cella was only 15 feet 4 inches square. The columns, including base and capital, were 14 feet 8 inches high, and supported an entablature 4 feet deep. The Temple was entirely destroyed by the Turks in 1780. The Temple of Nike Apteros (Athena Nike), Athens (B.C. 438) (Nos. 17, 18 N, 26 B, F, 41 p), Callicrates being the architect, is perched picturesquely on the south-western spur of the Acropolis Rock, and is a beautiful example of a smaller Ionic Temple. In front of the Temple at the eastern end stood the sacrificial altar of the goddess, and the platform of rock on which the edifice stands was surrounded on three sides by a marble balustrade. It is amphi-prostyle tetrastyle in plan, and is raised on a stylobate of 3 steps, the cella being only 13 feet 9 inches by 12 feet 5 inches. The Ionic columns to the east and west porticos resemble the internal columns of the Propylaea. They have a systyle intercolumniation, are i foot 9 inches in diameter, and 13 feet 6 inches high, and support an entablature 4 feet 3 inches in height. The total height to the apex of the Date. Architect. B.C. 550 B.C. 484 B.C. 438 Callicrates. B.C. 437-32 Mnesicles. B.C. 430 Ictiniis. B.C. 420-393 Mnesicles. B.C. 354 Satyrus and Pythiiis. B.C. 350 Hermogenes. B.C. 350 B.C. 338 B.C. 330 Pceonius and Deme- B C. 335-320 . B.C. 320 trius of Ephesus. ( Paeonius of Ephesus,

Daphne of Miletus. 
